La collaboration et la mobilisation pour lutter contre l’itinérance
Dans un article du magazine FE, R. Jason Ashdown, directeur du développement durable de Skyline, explique comment les fournisseurs de logements locatifs peuvent profiter de leurs ressources pour trouver des solutions à l’itinérance.
[Guelph (Ontario) – Le 1 mai 2024]
Jason Ashdown, cofondateur et directeur du développement durable, Skyline Group of Companies, a publié un article dans le magazine FE (FRPO Exchange), selon lequel les fournisseurs de logements locatifs peuvent contribuer à la lutte contre l’itinérance et l’insécurité du logement en trouvant des solutions concrètes, efficaces et d’envergure.
Dans son article, M. Ashdown se penche sur le projet du 10 Shelldale Crescent, qui démontre comment un fournisseur de logements locatifs, des organismes sans but lucratif et tous les paliers de gouvernement peuvent concerter leurs efforts pour trouver une solution innovante à la crise du logement en Ontario.
Le 10 Shelldale Crescent est un projet de logements supervisés permanents à Guelph (Ontario) issu d’un partenariat entre Skyline Group of Companies, Kindle Communities (un fournisseur de logements sans but lucratif) et le Guelph Community Health Centre. Le projet permettra de loger jusqu’à 32 personnes en situation d’itinérance chronique à Guelph. Pour subvenir à leurs besoins et conserver leur logement, les résidents bénéficieront de services et de soutien accessibles jour et nuit.
Nous sommes fiers de voir des membres de notre équipe parler des solutions que des entreprises comme la nôtre peuvent offrir en matière de logement.
Pour en savoir plus sur les objectifs de développement durable de Skyline, notamment en matière d’itinérance et d’insécurité du logement, consultez notre page consacrée au développement durable.
Lisez l’article original publié dans le magazine FE ici.
Veuillez noter que l’article a été publié en anglais seulement.
Collaboration & commitment to help solve homelessness: the 10 Shelldale Crescent project
By R. Jason Ashdown, Co-Founder & Chief Sustainability Officer, Skyline Group of Companies
The crisis of homelessness and housing insecurity continues to run rampant in Ontario, with demand far outpacing supply, and year-over-year rent growth outpacing wages. In fact, according to CMHC, Ontario’s apartment vacancy rate was just 1.7% as of October 2023, and the Canada-wide average was at an all-time low of 1.5%.
Homelessness is a complex problem that requires a complex solution. It is one of the most significant factors impacting a person’s health and well-being.
“Housing is a basic human right on which we build the foundation for our lives,” said Helen Fishburn, CEO at CMHA Waterloo-Wellington. “When housing is inadequate or unavailable, personal as well as community well-being suffers. Homelessness can amplify daily and devastating challenges related to food and income insecurity, addiction, and mental health issues, and these impacts are felt deeply. Adequate housing significantly contributes to better physical and mental health outcomes.”
As rental housing providers, many of us have first-hand experience with how these issues are interwoven. We may even be able to say that we understand how they interplay on a level that no other industry can. We must own our responsibility to leverage our resources and find significant, impactful, and effective ways to help.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) is a crucial piece of the puzzle in solving homelessness. The PSH model is an evidence-based and cost-effective solution for people experiencing chronic homelessness due to long-term disabilities and mental health concerns.
In 2024, a new 32-unit PSH development will be opening at 10 Shelldale Crescent in Guelph, Ontario. This development is a collaborative project among Skyline Group of Companies, Kindle Communities (a non-profit housing provider), and the Guelph Community Health Centre (Guelph CHC).
“10 Shelldale will house 32 people in 2024 that are currently experiencing chronic homelessness,” said Daria Allan-Ebron, CEO of Kindle Communities. “This permanent supportive housing solution will provide integrated housing and health care services to people with complex needs in Guelph-Wellington. This is a really innovative model of housing and health care services coming together to support our community’s goal of ending homelessness.”
This development is a prime example of a rental housing provider, non-profit organizations, and all levels of government working in collaboration to solve Ontario’s housing crisis. In the original press release for 10 Shelldale’s groundbreaking, Honourable Michael A. Tibollo, Ontario’s Associate Minister of Mental Health & Addictions, noted, “Stable and secure housing is a cornerstone of wellness. . . Housing insecurity, mental health challenges, and addiction are interrelated, and by providing purpose-built living spaces with wrap-around supports, 10 Shelldale is helping to tackle each of these challenges in the Guelph-Wellington area.”
10 Shelldale is located in the Onward Willow neighbourhood, one of Guelph’s most marginalized areas. In 2021, with two vacant land parcels in the neighbourhood, Skyline approached Kindle Communities, who had a strategic plan to build and operate Permanent Supportive Housing that would help end homelessness in Guelph. Skyline had been holding out for the highest best use of the land – and this was it.
It took not only land donation, but also leveraging resources and relationships, to get shovels in the ground. Skyline, Kindle, and Guelph CHC worked with city, county, provincial, and federal government, as well as the local school board and community groups. Architects, engineers, and suppliers were consulted. Skyline tapped into the expertise of its staff for construction oversight, legal, marketing, etc., ultimately contributing approximately $2.7 million to the project.
Ground broke at the development in September 2022 and 10 Shelldale’s first residents will be welcomed in 2024. In addition to fanfare from all levels of government at the time of groundbreaking, the development also saw a visit from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in January 2024, where he announced that the federal government and the city of Guelph were launching a three-year, $21.4 million plan to fast-track the building of 750 local homes.
Beyond getting 32 people off the streets of Guelph, the greater social impact includes a positive effect on the community’s prosperity, reduced demand on social services, a strengthened economy bringing more people and businesses to the city, and more.
10 Shelldale has already inspired others, creating a positive ripple effect resulting in government investment, in-kind donations from other businesses, and municipalities reaching out for consultation on similar projects. 10 Shelldale’s project partners hope that the development will ultimately serve as a prototype to be replicated in other communities across Ontario, and indeed across the country.
Rental housing providers can exercise creativity and out-of-the-box thinking when it comes to supporting housing—as well as food security, addiction treatment, and mental health. We can all learn from one another and there is no shortage of different paths that can be taken to do so. In-house tenant support programs and refugee assistance programs, food and clothing drives, and sponsoring food security programs are examples. Companies can plant the seed to get a project in motion, they can use their influence to help get the project in front of the right audiences for maximum impact, and they can encourage others to get involved.
For example, this past Fall, Skyline invested $1.5 million in a Habitat for Humanity community bond to help complete the construction of an affordable townhouse development in Fergus, Ontario. Some might ask why a rental housing provider would make this type of investment in home ownership; the answer is that it will take investment in the full spectrum of housing options—including owned homes—to put enough roofs over people’s heads.
Homelessness is not just detrimental to the people experiencing it. It can have a profound effect on the health of a community, and it is our responsibility as rental housing providers to enrich our communities. It is a win for our industry as much as for the community, especially in a time where housing is in short supply, and people are looking for leadership. Rental providers in Canada are ready and willing to be part of the solution. Landlords are stepping up in communities across Canada, with both compassion for the problem and a drive to deliver more inventory where it is needed most.
With our intimate understanding of the industry, we as rental providers can bring great value to the discussion and should be viewed as an ally and resource. We can improve upon the situation and be part of the solution by working with communities and government toward a common goal to deliver much-needed supply. We should continue leveraging our resources, enacting positive change, and demonstrating leadership to find the solutions to mitigate this crisis.
Au sujet de Skyline Group of Companies
Skyline Group of Companies (« Skyline ») est une entité pleinement intégrée consacrée à l’acquisition, à la gestion, à la promotion et à l’investissement d’actifs.
Elle est composée de sociétés offrant des services de gestion et de promotion dans les secteurs de l’immobilier et de l’énergie propre.
À l’heure actuelle, Skyline gère un portefeuille de plus de 8,23 milliards de dollars en biens immobiliers et d’énergie propre.
Forte d’un effectif de plus de 1 000 personnes partout au Canada, Skyline s’emploie à offrir à ses locataires des milieux de vie propres, confortables et sécuritaires, des environnements propices aux affaires, des solutions durables pour assurer un avenir vert et une expérience conviviale à ses investisseurs.
Regardez la vidéo du 20e anniversaire de Skyline pour découvrir une société résolument immobilière animée par ses gens et tournée vers l’avenir.
Pour en savoir plus sur Skyline Group of Companies, rendez-vous sur le site SkylineGroupOfCompanies.ca.
Demandes de renseignements des médias :
Cindy BeverlyVice-présidente, Marketing et communications
Skyline Group of Companies
5, rue Douglas, bureau 301
Guelph (Ontario) N1H 2S8
519 826-0439, poste 602