On Thursday, March 8th, Skyline celebrated International Women’s Day by inviting some of our own female role models to speak at a Lunch & Learn panel.
Skyline staff from various departments gathered with their lunches to hear Karyn Sales (General Counsel), Andrea Rocheleau (Director of Business Operations), Roberta MacLean (Director of Residential Operations), and BJ Santavy (VP, Skyline Living) speak about their experiences as women in the rental housing industry as well as the working world in general.
Valuable notes of advice shared during this lunch panel included:
- Don’t be afraid of change if you aren’t in a work situation that feels right to you
- Ask for what you want!
- Always strive for a good work/life balance
- Surround yourself with a strong network of good people
- Never let anyone else determine your self-worth
Thank you to our speakers for their inspiring words!