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In August of 2019, we announced that plans were underway for our new Skyline Community Hub in Fergus, Ontario.

The Hub will provide its tenants (community and charity organizations in the Guelph, Fergus, and Centre Wellington area of Ontario) with subsidized rents to reduce their operating costs, so that more funds can be directed toward helping people in the community.

In essence, the Skyline Community Hub’s mission is to make it easier for its tenants to do what they do best: doing good in the community.

Skyline is welcoming 2020 with some noteworthy updates on the Hub:

Entryway to the Skyline Community Hub space in Fergus
  • The Hub’s signage was installed during the week of January 20th. Skyline would like to thank Tim Bezner, owner of Westmount Signs in Guelph, Ontario, for the donation of this signage.
  • The Hub’s first two tenants have moved in. Skyline extends a warm welcome to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Centre Wellington, and Family Counselling and Support Services for Guelph-Wellington. Both of these organizations provide integral services to children and families in the Guelph & Centre Wellington area.
  • Skyline is working toward the move-in of two additional tenants: Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo-Wellington, and Centre Wellington Rotary. Both community organizations offer crucial local resources and support for families in the area.

Do you know an organization that may be interested in tenancy at the Hub? Please contact us by visiting the Hub’s website at

Skyline is proud to be offering an excellent workspace for these worthy organizations. Stay tuned for more updates on the Hub!