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[Guelph, Ontario – September 29, 2023]

Rob Stein, President, Skyline Energy, has been recognized as one of Canada’s 2024 Clean50 Honourees.

Stein leads the operations and financial performance of both Skyline Energy, a clean energy asset manager, and Skyline Clean Energy Fund, an equity growth fund comprised of solar and biogas assets totalling 50.16 MW/DC1 in size. Both are part of Skyline Group of Companies (Skyline), a $8.2 billion2 asset acquisitions, management, development, and investment entity.

“Rob has played an important role in the growth of Skyline Clean Energy Fund – from $0 to $293M in assets under management in just five years – and has helped position Skyline among the leaders and influencers in the Canadian renewable energy industry,” said Jason Castellan, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Skyline Group of Companies.

“Under Rob’s leadership, Skyline Clean Energy Fund and its asset manager, Skyline Energy, continue to invest in and support the further development of clean energy technology and solutions that will help accelerate the expansion of that industry.”

Stein has been instrumental in the expansion of Skyline Clean Energy Fund’s portfolio (now comprising 77 solar assets and two biogas facilities) as well as a comprehensive project with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) to install more than 900 EV Chargers at Skyline Apartment REIT properties across Canada by March 2024.

The annual Clean50 Awards, organized by Delta Management Group, recognize 50 leaders from across Canada who have done the most to advance climate action and develop climate solutions. Stein was honoured in the Renewable Energy category.

“The Clean50 honourees come from such a broad array of backgrounds, such that only a few individuals are able to be recognized within any given category.  To receive a Clean50 award is truly indicative of nation-wide and personal leadership in the Renewable Energy category,” said Gavin Pitchford, CEO of Delta Management Group and Canada’s Clean50 organization.

The Clean50 Summit 13.0 took place in Toronto on September 28, 2023. The full list of honourees can be found online at

1 As at June 30, 2023. MW/DC: Megawatt of direct current energy; a unit measurement of the output of power.

2 As at March 31, 2023.

About Skyline Energy

Skyline Energy is a clean energy asset acquisition, management, and innovation firm.

Servicing Skyline Clean Energy Fund (SCEF), a privately owned and managed portfolio of clean energy assets, Skyline Energy purchases, manages, monitors, and optimizes all assets within SCEF, in order to surface exceptional value for SCEF’s investors.

Skyline Energy believes that by investing in sustainable and renewable energy, we are investing in a brighter future for the planet, and for generations to come.

To learn more about Skyline Energy and its role for Skyline Clean Energy Fund, please visit

Skyline Energy is part of Skyline Group Of Companies.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Cindy Beverly
Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Skyline Group of Companies
5 Douglas Street, Suite 301
Guelph, ON N1H 2S8
519.826.0439 x602

About Clean50

The Canada’s Clean50 award program and Summit were founded in 2011 by Canada’s leading clean tech and sustainability executive search firm, Delta Management Group, and CEO Gavin Pitchford, in response to a trend the firm noted when performing executive searches on behalf of clients. The Clean50 Awards were created as a way to identify leaders from every industry, and the Clean50 Summit as a way to bring those same leaders together in order to work together to address the solutions needed for climate change. Each fall for the last 12 years, Canada’s Clean50 list has marked the accomplishments of sustainability leaders in 19 different categories. For more information, visit